141 godina iskustva u službi POUZDANOG POSLOVANJA

Predanost poslu, dugovečnost kompanije i profesionalnost ulivaju poverenje i donose sigurnost klijentima. O dolasku kompanije Militzer & Münch na srpsko tržište, o investicijama u distributivni centar i tehnološke inovacije, širenju na tržištu Balkana, kao i unapređenju sektora za pomorski i vazdušni transport razgovarali smo sa Filipom Simovićem, CEO kompanije Militzer & Münch Srbija.

Kompanija M&M je veoma zapaženo ušla na srpsko tržište i od osnivanja započela saradnju sa nekim od najznačajnijih klijenata. Sa kojim izazovima ste se suočili prilikom pokretanja posla?

Kompanija Militzer & Münch ovog meseca slavi dve godine od ulaska na srpsko tržište. Moram priznati da smo za tako kratak period postigli, itekako, zapažene rezultate. Uspeli smo da steknemo poverenje naših klijenata, što je, između ostalog, i bio jedan od najvećih izazova za nas. Kao tek osnovana kompanija na tržištu vrlo je teško u početku pokazati ozbiljnost, spremnost i umeće. Međutim, uz pomoć menadžmenta i zaposlenih koji imaju dugogodišnje iskustvo u ovom poslu, dobre organizacije i ozbiljnosti prema poslu uspeli smo da prevaziđemo ovaj izazov.

U prethodnih godinu dana, u vreme kada su ljudi širom sveta ostajali bez posla, M&M je zaposlio oko 100 novih ljudi. Kako uspevate da prevazilazite poteškoće nastale usled pandemije?

M&M trenutno zapošljava više od 160 ljudi. Sektor transporta i logistike se naglo promenio za vreme pandemije. Bilo je potrebno u najbržem mogućem roku izaći klijentima u susret. Za sve to su potrebni dobri i edukovani zaposleni, koji su uspeli da pronađu najbolja moguća rešenja. Strategijom da je klijent najbitniji dali smo svoj maksimum da dođemo do najbržih i najpovoljnijih rešenja za klijente.

Niste se izdvojili samo profesionalnošću, već ste ulaganjem u automatizaciju novog distributivnog centra uslugu podigli na još viši nivo. Koji je kapacitet novog DC-a i koja biste implementirana rešenja istakli?

Povećanjem posla odlučili smo da investiramo u inovacije i automatizaciju. Izgradili smo novi Cross Dock između postojećih magacina, kapaciteta 1000 m2. Naša nova automatizovana linija, koja se sastoji od pokretnih traka, sortirnice i liftova za podizanje robe u regale i mezanin je kapaciteta od 2000 kutija na sat. Kutije sa robom prolaze kroz skener, preko našeg softvera se unose u WMS i automatski raspoređuju na 25 izlaza podeljenih po zonama. Drugi deo robe automatski se diže u regale i sprema za dalju manipulaciju. Automatizacijom drastično povećavamo efikasnost, smanjujemo ljudske greške i povećavamo kapacitete. Iako je osnovna delatnost M&M drumski transport, koji je razvijen u svim segmentima – puni utovari, zbirni, hladan lanac), zapažene rezultate ostvarujete i u okviru pomorskog i vazdušnog transporta.

Kakvi su dalji planovi kompanije M&M na polju ovih usluga?

U poslovanju sa našim klijentima uvideli smo veliku potrebu za pružanjem usluga u pomorskom i vazdušnom saobraćaju. Otvaranjem ovih odeljenja uspeli smo da izađemo u susret klijentima i zaokružimo sve vidove transporta robe iz celog sveta. M&M kao grupacija je, takođe, prisutna u Kini u svim najprometnijim pomorskim lukama, te zajedničkim radom i spremnošću možemo brzo i efikasno da reagujemo. Takođe, zajedno sa kolegama iz Kine imamo mogućnost transporta robe sopstvenim vozovima iz Šangaja do Dujzburga,Budimpešte, Hamburga i Ajndhovena. Transport robe vozovima je duplo kraći od pomorskog što kod nekih klijenata igra veliku ulogu kada je reč o tranzitnim vremenima, posebno iz Kine, imajući u vidu da je trenutna situacija u pomorskom transportu neizvesna.

Nepune 2 godine po osnivanju M&M Srbija, proširili ste delatnost i na dve susedne zemlje – Crnu Goru i Bosnu i Hercegovinu – čime ste ojačali mrežu u regionu Balkana. Koje usluge iz portfolija M&M-a su dostupne privrednim subjektima iz ove dve države?

M&M u Crnoj Gori i Bosni i Hercegovini posluje po istim standardima kao svaka M&M filijala širom sveta. Pružamo servise međunarodnog drumskog transporta, carinjenja, skladišne logistike, avio i pomorskog transporta. Posebno moram da napomenem servis organizacije međunarodnog transporta i carinjenje robe u kojem se M&M posebno ističe. Koristeći M&M Beograd kao regionalni HUB svu robu dopremamo iz Evrope po jako povoljnim cenama i kratkim tranzitnim vremenima i otpremamo po regionu zbirnim linijama.

U kojem smeru M&M planira nastavak poslovanja i da li planirate da se širite na još nekan tržišta regiona?

M&M planira ekspanziju na teritoriji Zapadnog Balkana. Sledeće zemlje na kojima ćemo otvoriti filijale su Albanija i Makedonija i time upotpunjujemo regionalnu prisutnost. Time omogućavamo svim našim internacionalnim klijentima pružanje usluga za sve zemlje regiona.

Serbian transport and logistics market is constantly growing

Thanks to its sustainable development and the quality of the provided services, the M&M Militzer & Münch Company in Serbia doesn’t feel a crisis.
The company’s impressive development, its sustainable and socially responsible business, the use of renewable energy sources and the implementation of the green agenda, are just some of the secrets of the success of M&M Militzer & Münch Serbia. We spoke about these and other topics with the company’s managing director, Filip Simović, who gave an interview for the Transport and Logistics special.

Filip Simović, Managing Director M&M Militzer & Münch RS d.o.o.

Your company has recently expanded to the entire Western Balkan region. Are you present in this market through your Belgrade subsidiary?
Last year in June, M&M Serbia expanded its operations to Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Podgorica, Montenegro. Subsidiaries in Albania and North Macedonia are under development. With its logistics centres, M&M Serbia serves as a regional hub. Through M&M, we have the opportunity to cover the entire region, with the highest level of services and excellent speed of shipment deliveries in all Western Balkan countries. Of course, all new branches in the above-mentioned countries also function individually and provide services to the market in which they are located.

How important is regional market connectivity to your business?

Regional market integration is very important, especially since we have elevated the cooperation with regional countries to a much higher level compared to previous years. Our idea is to enable unhindered delivery of goods to end customers through the regular collection service we provide for clients with whom we already cooperate in Serbia, and who are present in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro too.

Considering the looming energy crisis, how well are people and the economy adapting to it? Does your company have a sustainable programme for them?

Even before the beginning and heralding of the energy crisis, M&M Serbia was engaged in sustainable development. We offer our clients international transport services with environmentally friendly vehicles that use natural gas, as do our courier vehicles. We also constantly strive to reduce CO2 emissions. Also, by investing in a solar power plant, we are using a natural resource to supply our logistics centre with electricity. Regional market integration is very important, especially since we have elevated the cooperation with regional countries to a much higher level compared to previous years

Solar panels are growing in popularity and demand. What does your company offer to the Serbian market at this moment?

This year, by investing in a solar power plant, we have become completely independent, and by using natural resources, we can offer our clients services that are in line with the highest possible standards. Our solar power plant has a 300kwh capacity, which completely meets all the needs for the smooth operation of our logistics centre.

Transport and logistics are your core business. Where is Serbia at this moment in relation to the region and Europe?

Compared to the region, Serbia is very much ahead of the curve considering a large number of foreign direct investments. The logistics and transport market is constantly growing in Serbia. It seems to me that more trucks and free storage space are often required, which is why we are constantly developing with transport partners and expanding our storage capacity. In the last year, there was a need to increase our storage capacity from the existing 10,000m2 to 36,000m2.

Serbia is figuratively called „a house in the middle of the road”. How beneficial was that for transport and logistics? Do you think that we have utilized that advantage as a country or have other countries surpassed us in that?

The favourable geographical location of Serbia has had a beneficial effect on our becoming a leading regional centre. Large multinational companies re-export goods via Serbia to end consumers in the entire region. Nevertheless, Serbia has not yet utilized all its potential, but it is on the right track.

Green and socially responsible options are increasingly being considered in the modern age. What is your company’s position on this matter?

The focus of M&M Serbia is cooperation with large multinational companies that have a clearly defined environmental protection strategy. We are constantly improving our services and in line with special requests, we offer the transport of goods by green trucks or by rail. After investing in the solar power plant, our next plan is to invest in an electric vehicle fleet and electric delivery vehicles for our courier service M&M Express.


Nikola Vasiljević, izvršni direktor kompanije Militzer & Münch

Sigurno ka novim izazovima – Intervju: Nikola Vasiljević, izvršni direktor kompanije Militzer & Münch


Imajući u vidu da su prethodne 2 godine za svaku industriju bile jako izazovne i da su nosile sa sobom određenu dozu neizvesnosti, sa zadovoljstvom mogu izjaviti da je kompanija M&M prethodnu godinu završila sa velikim uspehom i u 2022. ušla sa novim izazovima. Akvizicijom novih klijenata i nesumnjivim proširenjem svojih skladišnih kapaciteta, kako prostornih tako i u vidu zaposlenih. Rekao bih da je, kao i kod drugih učesnika na tržištu, najveći izazov u prethodnoj godini bilo osciliranje cena na tržištu i raspoloživost prevoznih sredstava, koje je svoj pik dostiglo krajem 2021. godine. Prilikom svakog nesklada na tržištu, učesnicima ne preostaje ništa drugo nego da se prilagode prilikama i da se negativni ekonomski efekti svedu na najmanju moguću meru. Sa druge strane, svaki nesklad ne može dugo ni da potraje jer tržište se uvek na kraju vraća u svoju ravnotežu, samo u izmenjenom obliku. Shodno tome, fokus komapnije M&M u ovoj 2022. godini zasigurno će biti održivost trenutnog poslovanja i unapređenje kadra u internoj organizaciji. Mišljenja sam da sve nas, učesnike, na tržištu transporta i logistike u narednom periodu očekuje protekcionizam postojećih poslova.


M&M će 4. oktobra 2022. godine obeležiti 3. godinu poslovanja na teritoriji Republike Srbije i sa ponosom mogu da istaknem da smo već uveliko prepoznati kao pouzdan partner, kao i da naši postojeći klijenti upućuju preporuke za korišćenje naših usluga, što je složićete se najbolji mogući marketing i odlična poslovna referenca. Takođe, nadovezao bih se i na činjenicu da smo u samo 2020. godini imali promet 12 miliona EUR, dok smo 2021. godinu završili sa 25 miliona EUR prometa, što ukazuje na pozitivnu saradnju sa našim klijentima i to u relativno kratkom roku koliko postojimo.


Lično smatram da će naredni period doneti prilično velike promene u vidu automatizacije procesa, digitalizacije i manje zavisnosti od klasičnih energenata. Shodno tome, nova rešenja koja ćemo ponuditi će svakako biti usko povezana sa smanjenjem resursa, u vidu vremena i troškova, kako nama tako i našim klijentima. Poznata je činjenica da M&M Srbija prati trendove, posebno kada je reč o naprednoj tehnologiji i optimizaciji. Automatizacijom magacinskog prostora, radi olakšanja, ubrzanja rada i minimalizovanja ljudske greške, naša kompanija nastavlja sa daljom implementacijom ka još boljim logističkim rešenjima. Takođe, imajući u vidu da je okretanje ka obnovljivim izvorima energije, kako u svetu, tako i u Srbiji u velikom porastu, M&M je spreman za novi poduhvat u ovoj oblasti, posebno jer je reč o očuvanju životne sredine.


Kao što sam i pre 2 godine naveo, a što se vidi i po učesnicima na tržištu COVID-19 kriza imala je najviše uticaja na globalizaciju. Svi smo danas u sistemu koji mnogo više zavisi od toga šta se dešava na drugom kraju sveta nego ikada pre. Novi globalni ekonomski sistem sa sobom nosi ogromnu korist, ali i ogromne rizike. Promene će se najviše osetiti u nacionalnim privredama, imajući u vidu da su se lanci snabdevanja prekinuli, te su s toga proizvođači prinuđeni da pronalaze nove alternativne dobavljače u domaćim zemljama. Lično smatram da će u narednom periodu biti na snazi protekcionizam domaćih proizvoda i investiranje u manju zavisnost izvan granica.


Pre svega, istakao bih da su glavna pokretačka snaga svake kompanije njeni zaposleni a mi možemo da se pohvalimo izuzetno kvalitetnim kadrom koji svojim zalaganjem, radom i posvećenošću čini da smo iz godine u godinu sve bolji i uspešniji. Sa zadovoljstvom ističem i da pored velikog sistema, nismo dozvolili da se udaljimo od svojih zaposlenih već smo tu da ih motivišemo i imamo sluha za sve izazove sa kojima mogu da se suoče. Ujedno, pored motivacije u vidu novčane stimulacije, menadžment M&M izuzetno vodi računa kako o radnoj atmosferi tako i o osluškivanju potreba svojih zaposlenih.


M&M Serbia – Connecting Worlds

Dragana Simović, Sales&Marketing Manager, M&M Militzer & Münch Serbia: M&M Serbia – Connecting Worlds

The key factors of our company growth and positioning are the professional experience of our top managers and very good knowledge of all market aspects. In her interview for this year’s edition InFocus Germany, Dragana Simović, Sales&Marketing Manager, M&M Militzer & Münch Serbia, talks about the company which has managed to occupy an excellent position on the Serbian market in a very short time. Ms Simović also told us about her studies abroad, as well as the reasons why she decided to return to Serbia and Belgrade to continue working in the company founded by her father. We spoke with Ms Simović in the company’s modern distribution centre in Dobanovci about the company’s plans, goals and projects in 2022, and the excellent results it has accomplished since its inception.

M&M Militzer & Münch Serbia has had the fastest growth in this part of the world. What do you think has contributed to the company occupying an excellent market position in such a short time?

The key factors of our company growth and positioning are the professional experience of our top managers and very good knowledge of all market aspects. Our company has been growing due to our enthusiasm, effective work and energy that we invest every day in improving the internal organization. Of course, I have to mention our experienced colleagues who are working hard and are also teaching and supporting their younger colleagues whose number keeps growing. Also, I would like to point out that our company supports dual education, in which we have been involved since its launch, and that we provide practical education to high school students.

What does your company specialize in and what are its advantages?

Flexibility in cooperation, rapid adaptation to market changes and following the latest trends are our main comparative advantages. In addition to road transport, our core activity, we are now providing Air & Sea services thanks to the company setting up new departments which means that now we can offer a wider range of services to our clients and convince them even more that we are their right transport partner. I must not forget to add that M&M Express, i.e. our courier service, has now officially started operating. We have also been selected as an official courier of the new ANANAS web platform for delivering B2C orders. We believe that, as always, we will demonstrate that we are a reliable partner thanks to our professionalism and dedication.

You have opened logistics centres in the region as well. Bearing in mind initiatives such as Open Balkans (formerly Mini-Schengen), which will contribute to the regionalization of the Western Balkans market, how much will all this affect your industry?

The Open Balkans Cooperation Initiative includes Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia, and envisions free movement for capital, goods, services and people between the three countries. The initiative will have an extremely positive impact on the transport industry, first and foremost, by reducing the difficulties we encounter primarily in road transport (such as long waiting at the borders, etc.), and thus shorten the time of the transport of goods between Serbia and the other two countries. As we plan to open branches in North Macedonia and Albania, in line with the Open Balkan initiative and following the opening of M&M Militzer & Münch branches in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, we will further improve the services we provide to our clients.

2022 has been dubbed as the year of recovery. What is the current state of the transport and logistics sector in Serbia, in relation to Europe and the world?

Most economic sectors have suffered great damage and today bear the consequences of the pandemic. The healthcare sector is a sector of heroes and I am personally very grateful to them as an individual. However, looking back, and this probably might sound arrogant to you, I can say that the logistics and transport sector was definitely the sector of silent heroes since it had to deliver all the basic things for normal life and had to deliver them on time. Bearing in mind that the pandemic is not over yet, I would not rush with predictions about 2022 being the year of recovery, although I hope that it really will be. I think that Serbia is lagging too much behind the world in this segment because transport is something that must be adjusted to the conditions and rules of business in all parts of the world, so that goods can be transported to and from them.

Flexibility in cooperation, rapid adaptation to market changes and following the latest trends are our main comparative advantages

What results did you achieve in 2021 and what are M&M Militzer & Münch Serbia’s plans for this year?

M&M Militzer & Münch Serbia has been growing exponentially since its inception in Serbia and this year is going well for us. We are continuing to develop and invest in better services and expand our operations in our existing markets. Following our multi-million investment in the construction and automation of the distribution centre near Belgrade, we plan to further develop in this field and, as I mentioned, expand to North Macedonia and Albania, which will round off our regional presence.

You are at the helm of a company that operates in an industry that is considered male-dominated. What is it like to be a woman in a fast-growing logistics company?

Numerous scientific studies have shown that gender diversity not only fosters cooperation by increasing understanding and tolerance but also boosts competitiveness, productivity and corporate social responsibility. I am ‘formatted’ in such a way that I only experience success as satisfaction. I also perceive success as a solution to serious challenges. I consider my position challenging precisely because of how your question was formulated. Being a woman in the logistics and transport sector is a challenge, and challenges propel me forward.

You had studied abroad and then returned to Serbia. What do you like the most in Belgrade and what is motivating you to live in Serbia, at a time when many young people are leaving the country?

Belgrade is an impressive city. You can see traces of so many cultures in its architecture. History shows that Belgrade was razed to the ground over 20 times, but the city’s lifeline has never been destroyed and it continues to pulsate in frequencies that are unique to this part of the world. My career path would have probably been much easier if I stayed abroad, but easy was never my option. My return to Belgrade stems from my love for challenges.


About the company
M&M Militzer & Münch Serbia provides road transport services (full loads, reloading, groupage and cold transport chain), customs clearance, warehousing and logistics services on the most favourable terms and conditions. The company is known for its fast, reliable and efficient solutions and optimal price-to-quality ratio with precise transport control. The company’s HQ is in Dobanovci and it is proud of its 180 employees who work in 7 locations, as well as its 3000-square-metre office space and 11,000-square-metre warehouse with customs clearance and commercial segments.


New Investors Arriving

Dragan Simović, Member Of The Supervisory Board Of M&M Militzer & Münch Serbia; Member Of The Board Of Directors Of The Serbian-German Chamber Of Commerce (AHK Serbia)

The policy of the Government of Serbia plays one of the crucial roles, because subsidies encourage the arrival of investors. With the connecting of the Serbian-German Chamber of Commerce and the Government of Serbia, the bringing in of foreign investors is being implemented successfully, which represents a recipe for success. The Militzer & Münch Group employs approximately 2,100 workers in 27 countries. And over the course of just two years, M&M Serbia has reached a level of six branches and more than 160 employees in the country. M&M places its focus on complicated markets and demanding customers who expect the best prices, shortest deadlines and top professionalism.

Are you satisfied with the results that you’re achieving?

I am satisfied with the increase in the number of workers, because a larger number of workers shows that we have ever-more work. I estimate that we will not stop here when it comes to achieving our goals, i.e., the jobs that should be implemented over the next year. With the concluding of new contracts, there will also be an increase in the number of employees. The current forecast for the next year is that we will have around 250 employees in Serbia.

What distinguishes your company from the competition the most?

What currently sets us apart from our competition is automation and the use of modern technologies, in order to conduct work better and faster. We offer our clients faster and more efficient handling, i.e., realising work in the warehouse, with the installing of lifts and conveyor belts with a capacity of 500 to 700 cartons per hour. Likewise, under the scope of the automation of our warehouse, included in our latest investment is a so-called sorting machine, which sorts up to 1,500 cartons per hour, thus shortening the time needed to unload, separate or sort goods by destination, which reduces errors to a minimum.
„We offer our clients faster and more efficient handling with the installing of lifts and conveyor belts with a capacity of 500 to 700 cartons per hour.”

To what extent does the Serbian- German Chamber of Commerce encourage cooperation between our countries and businesspeople; and how much does it contribute to the arrival of new investors in Serbia?

The Serbian-German Chamber of Commerce has great significance in contributing to the arrival of new investors in Serbia. The first contact that a potential investor company makes, apart from with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, is with this chamber. The Serbian- German Chamber of Commerce’s board of directors comprises successful businesspeople whose companies have invested in Serbia and serve as role models. I could take as an example the ZF Friedrichshafen factory, which, apart from employing a large number of people, has brought high technology to Serbia. In that sense, this factory represents a paragon for other potential investors from Germany, with which interest in coming to Serbia has increased greatly.

What changes were brought to you by the pandemic?

During the time of the pandemic, we saw what was happening with transport and logistics, and how much the pandemic impacted the business. The ban on movements accelerated online commerce in a way, which was demonstrated during the first days of lockdown in Serbia. A trend of increasing online business still exists and is expanding. An important element of e-commerce is the courier service, i.e., the logistics sector, to ensure the timely delivery of a shipment, which can also be specific. I believe this trend will continue and increase in our country, because online commerce is currently undergoing expansion.

Modernizovaćemo logistički sektor u Srbiji i regionu

Dragana Simović, Sales & Marketing Manager, M&M Militzer & Münch Serbia – Modernizovaćemo logistički sektor u Srbiji i regionu

23. aprila 2021. Dragana Simović, hladan lanac, logistika autoindustrija, logistika farmaceutska industrija, logistika i modna industrija, logistika prehrambena industrija, Militizer Munch, MiM, projektna logistika, skladištenje robe, špediterske usluge. Novi projekti na kojima radimo pozicioniraće nas kao pionire u pružanju usluga koje će se prvi put pojaviti u Republici Srbiji i regionu, a u vezi sa digitalnim logističkim rešenjima. Naša kompanija, kada govorimo o logističkim kućama, ima najbrži rast od svih na ovim prostorima. Najveća prednost M&M-a je naš tim sa višegodišnjim iskustvom u sektoru transporta i logistike, koji predano ispunjuje sve zahteve naših klijenata u predviđenim rokovima, kaže u intervjuu za D&C Dragana Simović, Sales & Marketing Manager, M&M Militzer & Münch Serbia.

COVID-19 pandemija je usporila kretanja u privredi. Kako je uticala na sektor logistike i kako se kompanija Militzer & Мünch organizovala?

– Naš utisak je da su logističke kompanije za vreme pandemije COVID-19 doživele neverovatnu ekspanziju, gde je fokus stavljen na B2C poslovanje, odnosno e-commerce. Takođe, svedoci smo i uticaja ekspeditivnog prilagođavanja poslovanja e-platformama, koje su za kratak period nadomestile zatvaranje radnji u Srbiji, sa kojima se suočavamo već godinu dana, te se raznovrsna roba poručuje putem online prodavnica.
Kada je reč o kompaniji Militzer & Münch, pokazali smo se kao pouzdan partner da u najkraćem roku uspešno implementiramo novi online business za našeg klijenta iz fashion industrije, gde smo uspostavili celokupan logistički proces. Shodno tome, kada su u pitanju i drugi klijenti, svim njihovim potrebama i zahtevima smo se u kratkom roku prilagodili i ponudili optimizaciju logističkih procesa, imajući u vidu ekspanziju digitalizacije u ovom sektoru. Početkom 2020. godine M&M je imao izuzetan rast gde je u januaru 2020. godine imao tek 35 zaposlenih, a samo godinu dana kasnije dostigao broj od 150, što predstavlja dokaz da i u toku pandemije uspevamo da rastemo i razvijamo se, zahvaljujući brzoj reakciji našeg menadžmenta i svih zaposlenih. Od samog početka pandemije preduzeli smo sve mere zaštite, kako bi naši zaposleni pre svega bili zdravi, ali i u mogućnosti da nesmetano izvršavaju svakodnevne zadatke.

Gde vidite potencijal umrežavanja logističkih kompanija Jugoistočne Evrope i u regionu Zapadnog Balkana?

– M&M Srbija ima sopstvenu mrežu, kako u Evropi, tako i u svetu i povezani smo od Kine do Amerike, od Južne Afrike do Baltika. Samim tim je naša mreža i ključni faktor razvoja M&M-a. U zemljama gde ne posedujemo svoje filijale, imamo odličnu saradnju sa partnerskim kompanijama, koji doprinose win-win situaciji za obe strane. M&M Srbija svoj potencijal vidi u povezivanju susednih zemalja.

Koje sve logističke usluge nudite i – ako biste morali da izdvojite vaše komparativne prednosti, šta je to sto vas izdvaja od konkurencije?

– Kao i svaka logistička kuća, imamo široku lepezu usluga, počev od projektne logistike, custom tailored rešenja, do tripl-a, koji je sastavni i neraskidiv deo online business-a. M&M Srbija je prisutan u skoro u svakom delu industrije, a ponajviše u automotive i fashion industriji, gde se traži tzv. just-in-time usluga (B2B poslovanje). Takođe, ponosni smo i na naš „cold chain“ koji prevozi i distribuira robu za veliku prehrambenu i pharma industriju.

Timski rad, poverenje, tačnost i finansijska sigurnost su neke od najvažnijih komponenti za izgradnju dobrih odnosa, kako unutar kompanije, tako i sa našim klijentima i dobavljačima. Deo smo grupacije koja je 1. aprila ove godine proslavila 141. godinu postojanja i rada. Naša dodatna jačina je u fleksibilnosti i prilagođavanju zahtevima naših klijenata, a naša sposobnost, ekspertiza i posvećenost doveli su do toga da nam mnogi klijenti sa sigurnošću povere poslove transporta, logistike i carinjenja, znajući da smo predani postizanju zajedničkog cilja.

Sa kakvim ste rezultatima i izazovima ušli u ovu godinu i šta će biti vaš fokus do kraja 2021?

– M&M se na tržištu nalazi relativno kratko, ali za manje od dve godine postojanja otvorili smo pet filijala u Srbiji i postali ekskluzivni provajder za dve velike firme iz automotive i fashion industrije. Naše operacije se vrše u 10.000 kvadrata magacinskog i 3.000 kvadrata kancelarijskog prostora. Svakim danom širimo listu klijenata, od čega najveći broj predstavljaju multinacionalne kompanije koje imaju svoju proizvodnju na teritoriji Srbije, kao i listu transportera koji eksluzivno voze za nas.

Ekonomska politika koja se sprovodi u Srbiji veoma utiče na dovođenje stranih investitora, a to su najčešće kompanije koje se bave proizvodnjom. Povećava se tržište logističkog i međunarodnog transporta, a naš cilj je da deo logističkog kolača prisvojimo za sebe. Uspešno se razvijamo i ako nastavimo sa ovim trendom rasta u narednom periodu, pozicioniraćemo se u top tri logističke kompanije u Srbiji. Fokus je da do kraja godine otvorimo M&M filijale u Crnoj Gori, Bosni i Hercegovini, Severnoj Makedoniji i Albaniji, kako bismo svojim klijentima pružili iste usluge i na drugim prostorima, uz optimizaciju logističkih procesa.

Iskoristila bih priliku i da najavim projekte koje trenutno pripremamo na polju dodatnih ulaganja u Srbiji, kao i u vezi sa razvojem nečeg sasvim novog u zemlji i regionu, što će obezbediti naš veći rast i razvoj.

M&M Militzer&Munch Strives For The Top

With the merging of Swiss- German group Militzer & Münch, which has existed for 140 years, and Serbian company Invictus, the market gained an exclusive provider of complete logistics services and a new leader of the transport and logistics sector.

At this company they say that they differ from the competition in terms of their top performance and the dedication of all team members, which is why their logistics services are in great demand. Apart from that, the company has the strong support of the extensive network of M&M affiliates and experts, with many years of experience.

When you founded this joint venture a year ago, your goal was to create the leading logistics company in Serbia within two years. How far are you from achieving that goal? How did the pandemic impact on that?

Considering that Militzer & Münch Serbia recently celebrated its first birthday, we are very proud of achievements in the first year of operations. Before the founding of this joint venture, Militzer & Münch was more or less unknown in our country, which is why we first had to present the M&M brand, which has existed on the international market since 1880. Today, after a year, Militzer & Münch Serbia is recognised as a serious market competitor, bearing in mind the experience of our team and our extensive network of branches in 30 countries around the world.

Our goal is to be among the leaders of the transport and logistics sector in Serbia within two years. Customer satisfaction is our primary focus. We analyse demand on the logistics market and adapt our services optimally to the requirements of our customers. Our top performances and the dedication of our team has already set us apart from the competition, which is why there is great demand for our logistics services. Since the joint venture was established last autumn, operations have developed well and we are convinced that we will succeed in achieving our goal. We are proud to see that our services are in such high demand after such a short time.

“In accordance with the needs of clients, branches have opened in Požega, Velika Plana and the CI Terminal, alongside offices in Leskovac and Dobanovci.”

In just one year of operations, our client portfolio has grown to include some very well-known companies that represent large greenfield investments in the country and can note with satisfaction that these are contracts in which we’re the exclusive provider of the entire logistics services. On the other hand, like the rest of the market, we felt the impact of COVID-19, because in most cases factories reduced their production capacities and thereby reduced the demand for transport and freight forwarding services, while increasing their demand for storage capacity. As a consequence of this, back in March, at the beginning of the pandemic, the management of Militzer & Münch Serbia adopted an extraordinary business plan with which we managed to maintain liquidity and preserve business at the same level as before the pandemic. Furthermore, our business actually developed the most during that period, because by reacting quickly and reorganising we succeeded in providing the market with services adapted to the new situation.

How important is this joint venture for the numerous German companies that have production facilities in Serbia?

We are currently facing a large number of greenfield investments from all over the world, and mostly greenfield investments from Germany. Each of these companies comes from countries where they are provided with the highest quality service and we see our potential and advantage over the competition in the fact that we are able to provide new companies with the kind of service that they’ve become accustomed to in their home countries and thus ensure that they feel at home. And we can provide and enable all that thanks to the full support of the extensive network of M&M branches and experts with many years of experience with international logistics companies on the territory of Serbia. We analyse demand on the logistics market and adapt our services optimally to the requirements of our customers.

Militzer & Münch has focused in Serbia on road transport, exports, imports and customs clearances. Do you plan to expand your portfolio and capacity, which is already considered enviable, both when it comes to personnel and space?

Cooperation was established in a very short period with leading German companies that operate on the Serbian market, for which we are the exclusive provider of logistics services. In accordance with the needs of clients, branches were opened in Požega, Velika Plana and the CI Terminal. In addition to these offices, offices have been opened in Leskovac and Dobanovci since the founding of M&M. Considering the unexpected growth of the company, the office in Dobanovci was relocated in mid-August to a new office and warehouse space of 10,500m2, and the plan is to solve the issue of our own space as early as the start of 2021, so we are considering building a new logistics centre with modern-equipped offices in Dobanovci.

Given that clients dictate the pace of development, M&M’s portfolio of services includes a entire array of services, starting with international road transport, logistics, freight forwarding, air and sea transport. A challenge for us is also the development of collective lines in the countries of the region, which is why we’re already working on the opening of offices in Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina and North Macedonia, which will be under the control of the branch in Dobanovci, as the main centre in the Balkans. I can state with pride that the M&M operations team has established excellent collective lines in Germany, Italy and Austria, via its dense network of branches in these countries.
With regard to this, there is no doubt that the positioning of Serbia is of great geostrategic importance in terms of the new Silk Road and that we represent a kind of bridge to the EU, and above all a bridge to the most important European ports and road routes. That’s why our long-term plan is also to develop a network of branches and services in the countries of the region in order to ensure better connectivity.

Client satisfaction is our main focus

A responsible attitude towards natural resources is in the best interest of every individual who wants to live in a healthier future and leave the possibility of further progress to future generations

In an interview for the September issue of Diplomacy & Commerce magazine, we spoke with Dragan Simović, a member of the Supervisory Board of Militzer & Münch Serbia, about the company’s ambitious growth plans. The M&M Militzer & Münch company was founded in October 2019 by the Serbian logistics company, Invictus System Transport & Logistics d.o.o. and the German company M&M Militzer & Münch International Holding AG. According to Mr. Simović, the company has very ambitious plans to occupy the leading position in Serbia.

Dragan Simović, Supervisory Board member, Militzer & Münch Serbia

What did you next after establishing M&M Militzer & Münch in Serbia since the company was quite unknown in Serbia?

You are absolutely right. Before the establishment of the joint venture, Militzer & Münch was more or less unknown in the Serbian market. This prompted us to make the company as renowned and recognizable in the first stages. We first had to present the M&M brand, which has existed in the international market since 1880. The history of M&M stems back to a family-run company founded in Hof, Germany, while today M&M is an international holding company with over 100 branches in 29 countries and more than 2,200 employees.

The company seems to have very ambitious plans. What are its goals?

Our goal is to be among the leaders in the transport and logistics sector in Serbia in the next two years. Customer satisfaction is our main focus. We analyze the demand in the logistics market and optimally adapt our services to the requirements of our customers. Our top performance and the commitment of our team already set us apart from the competition; namely, there is a great demand for our logistics services. Since the joint venture was established last autumn, the business has developed well and we are confident that we will be able to achieve our goal. We are proud to see that our services are so much in demand after such a short time.

“In a very short time span, we have established cooperation with leading German companies operating in the Serbian market, that we exclusively provide logistics services to.”

You have managed to expand your network in Serbia in a very short time. Where are your branches located?

In a very short time span, we have established cooperation with leading German companies operating in the Serbian market, that we exclusively provide logistics services to. In accordance with the client needs, we opened branches in Požega, Velika Plana and the Terminal customs office. Since M&M’s inception, and in addition to the mentioned offices, we have also opened branches in Leskovac and Dobanovci. Given the company’s unexpected growth, the Dobanovci office moved to a new-6,500-m2 office and warehouse in mid-August. Accordingly, our plan is to acquire our own office space early next year and we are considering building a new logistics centre with modern offices in Dobanovci.

Which services are you most recognized for and what are your further development plans?

Since clients dictate the pace of development, M&M’s service portfolio includes a full range of services, starting with international road transport, logistics and freight forwarding to air and sea transport. The development of groupage transport in regional countries is also a challenge for us. Hence, we are already working on opening offices in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia, which will be managed by our branch in Dobanovci, which is our main business centre for the Balkan area. I can proudly say that M&M‘s operations team has been providing excellent groupage transport services in Germany, Italy and Austria through our extensive network of branches in these countries. Having in mind large foreign investments, and above greenfield investments made by German companies in the Republic of Serbia, as a well-known German brand, M&M is recognized as a reliable and proven partner. M&M’s is certainly focused on German companies, which make up the majority of our clients because we offer them the services they are used to in their country.

Globalization requires rapid adaptation and modernization of the way we work. What makes M&M stand out in that respect?

Since the situation with COVID-19 has surprised us all this year, M&M has successfully managed to adapt to the crisis thanks to its outstanding system. Given that we are in a time of globalization and that time- and position-related obstacles do not exist, M&M has successfully responded to the challenges with its digital platforms for monitoring the status of shipments and trucks. Consequently, our focus is on the online distribution business (B2C business), which we are already doing for a reputable client from the fashion industry. We are currently implementing the automation of picking and packing of shipments, which saves time as well as minimizes errors. At the same time, this reduces the size of the workforce and our services will be far cheaper, faster and error-free in the future compared to the competition. We think that online distribution (B2C business) is the future of business and for that reason, our focus is on that.


Kvalitet usluge, posvećenost klijentima i konkurentni uslovi su naše ključne prednosti

Nikola Vasiljević, izvršni direktor M&M Transport i Logistics – Kvalitet usluge, posvećenost klijentima i konkurentni uslovi su naše ključne prednosti

Nedavno je u Srbiju stigla još jedna internacionalna logistička kompanija. Nemački M&M Militzer&Münch International Holding AG je osnovan daleke 1880. godine sa višedecenijskim iskustvom u oblasti transporta i logistike, sa preko 2.100 zaposlenih na više od 100 lokacija u 27 zemalja. U našoj zemlji su u oktobru pokrenuli zajedničko ulaganje sa srpskom logističkom firmom Invictus.
O novoosnovanoj kompaniji M&M Militzer&Münich Transport&Logistics d.o.o. Srbija, uslugama koje pružaju i planovima za naredni period za PlutonLogistics govori Nikola Vasiljević, izvršni direktor.

Koji su bili razlozi kompanije Militzer &Мünch da pokrene poslovanje u Srbiji?

– Imajući u vidu veliki broj greenfield investicija koje dolaze iz Nemačke i da su to uglavnom fabrike iz autoindustrije, očekivano je bilo i kretanje nemačkih logističkih kuća ka novim lokacijama proizvodnih pogona svojih nacionalnih kompanija i osvajanja novih tržišta, što svakako Srbija za njih jeste. Stoga, prirodan je bio i ulazak jedne od najvećih nemačkih logističkih kuća na naše tržište.

U našoj zemlji je osnovana M&M Militzer & Münch Transport & Logistics kao zajedničko ulaganje sa srpskom logističkom firmom Invictus. Recite nam nešto više o novoosnovanoj firmi.

– M&M Militzer&Münich Transport&Logistics d.o.o. Srbija je „joint venture“ kompanija, udružena sa domaćom logističkom firmom Invictus system d.o.o. Nova firma je počela da radi u oktobru 2019. godine sa sedištem u Dobanovcima i sa 60 zaposlenih na 2 lokacije – Beograd i Leskovac.

Raspolažemo sa 500 m2 kancelarijskog prostora i 1.000 m2 magacinskog prostora sa carinskim i komercijalnim delom. Takođe, u procesu smo izgradnje 12.000 m2 magacinskog prostora, gde će prva faza izgradnje 6.000 m2 magacinskog prostora zajedno sa 1.200 m2 kancelarijskog prostora biti završena u maju/junu 2020. godine. Iako je firma nedavno ušla na tržište, zahvaljujući podršci matične filijale i iskustvu kolega, M&M Srbija nudi sve usluge iz oblasti transporta i logistike – drumski transport, avio transport, pomorski transport, carinjenje i skladištenje robe.

Na domaćem tržištu je velika konkurencija. Gde vidite svoju šansu? Koje su vaše prednosti?

– Kao što sam već napomenuo, suočavamo se sa velikim brojem greenfield investicija. Svaka od kompanija dolazi iz zemlje gde im je pružana usluga najvišeg kvaliteta i naš potencijal i prednost naspram konkurencije vidimo u tome što novim kompanijama, zahvaljujući punoj podršci, razgranatoj mreži M&M filijala i ekspertima sa višegodišnjim iskustvom u međunarodnim logističkim kućama na teritoriji Srbije, možemo pružiti uslugu na koju su navikli u svojim matičnim zemljama i učiniti im da se osećaju kao kod svoje kuće.
Posvećenost klijentu, precizne informacije, kvalitet usluge na visokom nivou i konkurentni uslovi biće naše ključne vrednosti i prednosti.

Koje klijente očekujete?

– Pre svega bih želeo da istaknem da je svaki klijent dobrodošao i da sa posebnom pažnjom pristupamo izradi ponude i usluge koja odgovora klijentovim zahtevima. Takođe , za nas je fokus autoindustrija koja je već zastupljena na tržištu Srbije, kao i ostale industrije kao što su tekstilna, farmaceutska, prehrambena i mnoge druge.

Kakvu saradnju ćete napraviti sa prevozničkim firmama?

– Imajući u vidu da logistički provajderi, kao i mi, tesno sarađuju sa prevozničkim firmama naš cilj je dobra i pouzdana saradnja sa prevozničkim firmama. Oni su neraskidiv deo poslovanja i svakako da saradnji sa njima pristupamo sa izuzetnom pažnjom i međusobnim uvažavanjem. Što se M&M tiče, u našem portfoliju se nalazi veliki broj prevozničkih kuća koje ekskluzivno rade samo sa našom kompanijom, što omogućava pouzdan servis u svakom trenutku za naše klijente.

Najavili ste fokus na drumski transport. Koji sektori će se dalje razvijati?

– Svakako da nam je fokus drumski transport, a pre svega puni utovari, dotovari i zbirni transport. Moram da napomenem da trenutno uspostavljamo nove zbirne linije, gde ćemo u najkraćem mogućem roku krenuti sa afirmacijom, kako bismo tržištu ponudili odlične uslove i kratke rokove isporuke.
Pored toga, pružamo usluge avio transporta redovne/čarter usluge, pomorskog transporta – puni kontejnerski utovari FCL, dotovari LCL, logistike, carinjenja, skladištenja i savetovanja.

Kakvi su vam dugoročni planovi?

– Dugoročan plan nam je širenje zbirne međunarodne mreže, imajući u vidu da smo deo CargoLine-a, ulaganje u nacionalnu distribuciju, magacinski prostor, pokrivanje svih usluga iz oblasti transporta i logistike, kao i preuzimanje liderske pozicije na tržištu.


Švajcarski logističar Militzer & Мunch pokrenuo poslovanje u Srbiji

Militzer & Мünch grupa pokrenula je zajedničko ulaganje sa srpskom logističkom kompanijom Invictus. Ovim korakom Militzer & Мünch dalje širi svoju mrežu na Balkanu. Oba partnera planiraju da u naredne dve godine zajedničko preduzeće pretvore u vodeću logističku kuću u Srbiji.

Militzer & Мünch zajedno sa Invictus, porodičnim preduzećem, registrovali su zajedničko preduzeće kao M&M Militzer & Münch Transport & Logistics D.O.O. 25. septembra 2019. godine. Generalni direktor zajedničkog preduzeća je Filip Simović. Do sada je zajedno sa Draganom Simovićem, bivšim generalnim menadžerom renomirane međunarodne logističke korporacije, rukovodio transportnim operacijama u Invictus-u. Iz kompanije Militzer & Мünch, za zajedničko ulaganje je zadužen Sašo Todorov, regionalni generalni direktor za Jugoistočnu Evropu.

Srbija kao most ka EU

– Ovim zajedničkim ulaganjem našoj mreži dodajemo zemlju koja optimalno dopunjava naše lokacije u regionu Jugoistočne Evrope – kaže Sašo Todorov.

– Srbija je most ka EU, a takođe je od velikog geostrateškog značaja u pogledu novog Puta svile. Kako mnoge nemačke kompanije imaju proizvodna postrojenja u Srbiji, zajedničko ulaganje posebno obećava za naše poslovne jedinice u Nemačkoj.

Postojeće lokacije Militzer & Мünch na Balkanu do sada su Grčka, Bugarska i Rumunija. Ove filijale Militzer & Мünch već nude širok spektar logističkih usluga.

– U Srbiji ćemo se pre svega fokusirati na drumski saobraćaj – kaže Filip Simović.

„Naše usluge će se sastojati uglavnom od izvoza, uvoza i carinjenja. U bliskoj budućnosti ćemo proširiti naš portfolio, dodajući avionski i pomorski transport, skladištenje, intermodalni saobraćaj, distribuciju i kućnu dostavu. Naš cilj je da u naredne dve godine razvijemo kompaniju kako bismo postali vodeća logistička kompanija u Srbiji. Planovi su da daljim ulaganjima ojačamo našu poziciju u Srbiji.“

Više o kompaniji M&M Militzer & Munch

Grupa Militzer & Мünch zapošljava oko 2.100 radnika na više od 100 lokacija u 27 zemalja. Strateška partnerstva u brojnim drugim zemljama upotpunjuju ovu mrežu. Militzer & Мünch nudi usluge vazdušnog i pomorskog tereta širom sveta, kao i drumski i železnički prevoz i logistiku projekata duž osi Istok-Zapad u Evroaziji i Severnoj Africi. Grupa posluje mrežom filijala u Istočnoj Evropi, ZND, Bliskom istoku i Dalekom istoku, kao i u zemljama Magreba. Sedište kompanije, koja potiče iz 1880. godine, je u St. Gallen, u Švajcarskoj, prenosi eKapija.